For this session we warmed up as a class by using the underscore from Nancy Stark Smith. I felt like I had to keep full concentration as I was always in the score even if I was in the wings. I enjoyed warming up to this score as I felt like I physically warmed up and mentally warmed up as I was continuing to think whilst dancing. I did however find it hard to sometimes come into the score. I had doubt to whether or not my movements would contribute to the movement already in the space or whether or not I would ruin it. Because of this I went into the space with the purpose to thick skin someone so I felt like I was still contributing to the score and also changing the dynamic of the piece by adding more relationships into it.
We then went onto working on our scores that we made up last lesson in our groups. My group then discussed what we felt went well and what didn’t look as effective than we hoped when we performed it last lesson. We decided to firstly half the length of the score from ten minutes to five minutes. I thought this would be more effective because we would not run out of strong material and therefore reduce the chance of the score dragging. We then talked about having two dancers in the group who would be given the job of movement material makers. I was chosen and so was Zoe. Our job was to create the movement and to add new dynamics which then the other dancers would interpret us and develop our movement ideas. I enjoyed the responsibility of this role as it challenged me to keep creating the movement that was the stimulus for our score. After thinking about the score from last lesson we didn’t add any faster movements so we decided to have a wider variety of dynamics that included faster and more out of control movements. I knew this would therefore challenge me as my habitual movements always had a soft and balletic dynamic, so this would faster dynamic would make me break away from the slower ones.
When we performed the new score in front of the class Kayla videoed us. We then got the chance to watch our scores on the screen. I found this very interesting as I had never watched myself improvise before and it was exciting to see what movements I actually danced, because I normally find it hard to think what movements I actually danced in scores. From watching the score we did incorporate faster dynamics into it, which I was pleased with as it was mine and Zoe’s responsibility to do that. The sections where we did stillness as a group looked effective on camera and gave a sense of unity within the group. I was pleased how the score looked however knew there were some more ideas we could incorporate into it for the next time we performed the score. For example, a more exciting starting position and ending position.
In tonight’s jam we continued to work on our group score. After thinking about how our score went on Monday we decided to change a few things. Instead of having two movement makers we decided to have one and then another person whose job was to create contact relationships with everyone in the group which was charlotte. This time I did not have a specific role so instead this gave me more time to think about the movement I was doing and to make it more visually interesting for the audience. Another new idea we came up when everytime charlotte came in contact with you, you had to change your intention. The intentions I did within the score were, performing with my eyes closed, performing with just the lower kinesphere, performing with just the upper kinesphere, leading every movement with just the elbow, performing every movement coming from my arms and skinning. I found this interesting to do and made me have more ideas when doing my movements as I always had an intention behind them.